FINALLY, my book has been released and available now through LuLu publications! Its a story about a heroin addict vigilante who goes out at night killing people a little bit worse than him (pedophiles, rapists, killers, drug lords, etc.) until he meets his match, a serial rapist and killer whos day job is a cop.
The theme of the book is pretty much the question "how bad can a hero get and still be considered a hero?" kind of like if a hero is only a little bit better than the villain, is he still a hero? The "hero" is detached, a junkie, possibly a skitso, kind of racist, selfish, mean and abrasive. Is he still a hero because of the people hes saving?
Please check it out, you can buy it here. I hope you like it and thank you in advance for reading it!
Here's one of the 2 promo pics they took for the book LOL
That looks sweet man. I would totally but it if I had $20 of disposable income. Congrats on the book man, I'll try to get it when I get a chance.